Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Day 2 in Rinon

As the path was already made from yesterday we expected to get a bit further today. However, the conditions were still rather tough. Wading through water takes longer than you would think! It took us over two hours to walk 1km and we were constantly moving as fast as we could. We took two cores at 1km. They showed there to be no peat in the area. The peat deposits were further in but too hard to reach.  As there was no peat at 1km we did not make a plot there.  As we sat down Hugo saw a small Boa –constrictor. We then returned to the camp site, it was faster on the way back but still took us a while. If it took us the whole day to get 1km and back, reaching 8km where the peat deposits were would be near impossible. So Freddie had to decide what we should do instead. He concluded that we would go to some other sites and set up plots there instead. There is a site across the river called 31 Devils which we will check out tomorrow. Today I have learnt that no matter how concise and organised your plan may be, things may not go as expected.  In theory things may seem possible and from satellite images it may seem feasible to reach certain areas but in fact when you are there in reality you see things in a completely different light. Things that seemed possible from looking at them at a computer are in fact too dangerous or inaccessible


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